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Buddha stattue at Wat Palad

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Third Path Massage is located in Durham, NC and offers Thai massage exclusively. John Terribili, owner, is a Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist (NC #19087) and has been practicing for three years, focusing primarily on Thai massage (Nuad Boran, northern style). Learn more about John.

Third Path primarily operates out of Durham Community Bodywork, but also provides massage in your home (inside or outside) or outside at John's home surrounded by beautiful gardens, weather permitting. Learn more about where we practice.

  • We are body positive

  • We are gender affirming

  • We are LGBTQIA+ friendly

  • We respectfully acknowledge we exist on the ancestral homelands of the Eno, Shakori, Sissipahaw, and the Occaneechi.


We offer 90 - 180 minute sessions at sliding scale rates and free massages as a way of making massage accessible to as many people as possible regardless of their financial situation.  Please know that any payments above the suggested rate help to support the sliding scale and free massage work. We value healing and wellness more than money.

Thai Massage

  • 90 minutes:    $100 - $160 ($130 suggested)

  • 120 minutes:  $120 - $180 ($150 suggested)

  • 150 minutes:  $150 - $210 ($180 suggested)

  • 180 minutes:  $180 - $240 ($210 suggested)

Thai Foot Massage

  • 90 Minutes:    $80  -  $120 ($100 suggested)


Sessions will be at one of the following locations:

  • At our practice space at Durham Community Bodywork

  • Outside in John's backyard gardens at his home

  • Your home (inside or outside)

Sunrise at Wat Palad

Third Path offers two free massages a month

We believe in the fantastic benefits of massage (especially Thai massage) so much that we want as many people to experience what it has to offer even if it is financially inaccessible.  

Third Path Massage offers two free massages per month to make massage more accessible to those truly unable to afford bodywork services. Please fill out the form for yourself or another, and briefly let us know why you are nominating. On the first of the month following submission of this form, should free massages be available, you will be asked to book a massage mentioning the nomination.


If none are available, we will work with you to establish a time in the following month.

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch.

About Thai Massage

Thai massage (Nuad Boran) is a truly holistic massage experience incorporating acupressure, assisted yoga poses, passive stretching, and massage.  The therapist uses their palms, thumbs, elbows, knees, feet, and legs to stretch, pull, and compress muscles and fascia, and work with sen throughout the body.  Consistent and supported body contact is maintained between the therapist and client during the session, which utilizes a combination of passive stretching, compression, assisted yoga poses, and other therapies (tok sen, luk pra kob).


Thai massage is most beneficial and impactful when it's practiced in or from a meditative state.  It is practiced from the heart and a state of Metta or loving kindness. All sessions with Third Path embody this idea and approach. 

Thai massage allows for joints to open, tendons to stretch, muscles holding tension to relax, and energy to balance.  The end result encompasses both rejuvenation and relaxation, with an overall feeling of physical and mental well-being.

Thai medical diagram pressure points
John Terribili

About John

For me, massage starts with listening - listening to what my clients’ needs are and, even more so, to what their bodies are telling me.  Using mindful presence, authentic intention, and energetic connection, I help bring relaxation, rest, and peace to my clients with a focus on where their body needs help the most.


I started my path towards massage in 2018, attending The Healing Arts and Massage School in Raleigh, NC, focusing on Lymphatic Massage. Once I obtained my license in October 2020, I became very interested in studying a modality which was not only beneficial to the client, but also was kind to my body - Thai massage achieved those desires and more.  In 2021, I started training with Living Sabai out of Asheville, NC, focusing on Thai Massage.  I studied Thai massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand, training at ITM and to learn from the late Ajahn Pichest Boonthumme


I transitioned from a 25 year career in IT to massage and couldn’t be happier.  I am an avid gardener and spend way too much time trying to make room and arrange our yard to accommodate more plants.  I have resided in Durham since 2014 with my partner, two sons, and our very energetic dog.

Mentors, teachers, and influencers

I have been fortunate enough to train and study with extremely talented and experienced healers and I am so very grateful for the opportunities and interactions with each of them. The following people and institutions have influenced, guided, and assisted me along my path towards becoming a Thai massage practitioner and I would like to acknowledge each and express my sincerest gratitude.


Education, trainings, and certifications

I have attended numerous Thai bodywork training sessions, studied in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and currently teaching classes in Raleigh for Living Sabai


Feel free to review my CV for more details.

  • Where will the massage take place?
    Durham Community Bodywork House Call: I will come to your home to perform the massage. I will need at least an 8x8 ft space to setup properly. Outside: The massage will be conducted outside in either my yard (beautiful gardens!) or in your yard. I have a pop-up canopy along with insect netting and a sunshade. I will bring everything necessary - I simply need a 10x10 ft space to setup the canopy. Weather permitting.
  • How long is a Thai massage?
    A typical Thai massage is 90 minutes to 3 hours. 60 minute sessions are possible as well, but you will realize the greatest benefits from Thai massage with at least a 90 minute session. If you only have time for a 60 minute session, please email and we will make accommodations. We offer 90, 120, 150, and 180 minute sessions.
  • What are the benefits of Thai massage?
    Stress reduction Centering of your body and mind Overall increase of flexibility and range of motion throughout your body Improved circulation Aids in releasing areas of tension throughout the body and “holding patterns” Receiving Thai massage regularly results in positive changes to posture, gait, and the way you move and hold your body.
  • When should I not receive a Thai massage?
    If you have or are experiencing any of the following contraindications, you should not have a Thai massage Predisposition to blood clots Heart disease - please check with your doctor prior to having any massage Immediately after receiving chemotherapy or radiation, unless specifically recommended by your doctor Immediately after having surgery Any infectious skin disease, rash, or open wounds
  • How is Thai massage different from a "normal" massage?
    Instead of just applying pressure or manipulating muscle tissues, Thai massage incorporates gentle pressure, stretching, and joint mobilization for your whole body which relaxes more than just individual muscles - it relaxes your entire body. A few other differences are listed below: You will be fully clothed There is no draping or covering necessary, although a blanket can be provided if you become chilled. The massage is performed on a mat on the floor
  • What type of clothing do I wear for a Thai massage?
    You remain fully clothed during a Thai massage, so any clothing you are comfortable in and can stretch easily will work well. We also have clothing you can change into before the Thai massage.
  • This is my first Thai massage - what can I expect?
    Thai massage is performed on a mat on the floor - there is no table. I will be placing you in many different yoga-like poses and performing assisted stretching with you - as such, our proximity to one another will be close. Expect your body to be placed into twists, rocked, pressed, and stretched. There will be sustained compression of certain muscles and fascia, sometimes as long as one minute. I will be sensing and noticing areas of tension or holding and when found, will hang out there for a bit.
  • What should I expect after a Thai massage session?
    You will loosen up tension and stiffness in your body, gain a bit more flexibility, and have an overall sense of relaxation and calm. If this is your first time receiving a Thai (or any!) massage, you may feel a little sore but this will fade shortly.
  • How often should I receive Thai massage?
    Personally, I receive a Thai massage monthly and have been doing so for quite some time. Some clients like to receive weekly, others bi-weekly and monthly. You can discuss with your therapist how often you should have a massage to address your needs.
  • What is/are sên?
    Literally, sên means line. They are tangible and energetic (through movement) and are not 'energy pathways' as are found or defined within other systems. Nephyr Anne Jacobsen does a much finer job explaining this in Seven Peppercorns: "A sên is a physical pathway by which movement occurs in the body. ...For the most part, sên are tangible structures. Most of the sên that we work with in the body are tendons, ligaments, veins, nerves, and arteries. They also sometimes refer to muscular and fascial pathways." There is much more to sên theory and if interested in learning more, chat me up about it at your next session! Or better yet, you can read about it in my copy of Nephyr's book.

Third Path Massage

906 Broad Street

Durham, NC, 27705

©2022 by Third Path Massage. Proudly created with

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